Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

Sermon: I Am With You – 1 Samuel 14:1-16

One of the greatest blessings in the Christian life is the sense of belonging. We belong to God, and He has given us His Son and His Spirit to demonstrate how completely committed He is to our relationship. He is faithful and true even when we are not. He never moves. Therefore, except in times […]

Sermon: Articles of Faith – Perseverance

Last week we touched upon the Glorification of the saints that is best viewed as the welling up of the Holy Spirit to empower the children of God to be more Christ-like.  One of the major ways this happens is through perseverance under persecution for righteousness.  When we join Christ in yielding to God the […]

Sermon: Articles of Faith – Foreknowledge

What does God know?  A better question might be, what doesn’t God know?  Regardless, the answer both questions comes to the same conclusion.  God knows all things.  In fact, God knows all things so thoroughly that there is nothing left to probability for the divine mind.  However, does this absolute knowledge mean determinism or is […]

Sermon: Articles of Faith – God

To the faithful, God’s existence is not only essential for salvation, it is obvious in the world around us and the heavens above.  Creation is simply to vast, complex and marvelously orderly to be explained without a divine Creator.  Yet, the Scriptures say that the fool says, “There is no God.” When I was in […]

Article: Holiness, Going the Distance

Holiness is often hard to define.  What is it? Why is God holy? How can I be holy?  These are just a few of the questions that often come to mind when we consider holiness.  It is tied up with righteousness, goodness, and perfection but none of these concepts captures holiness completely.  Holiness is that […]